Buck Services
ADGA registered Nigerian dwarf buck services are officially opening soon! Located near Hilger, MT.
$3/day PER doe boarding fee (hay, care, etc.) - does can't stay longer than a month.
The balance (breeding fee + estimated boarding fee - can be adjusted later if need be) will be owed when the doe(s) are dropped off to be serviced.
You MUST test your does for CL, CAE, and Johnes disease through a vet-accredited lab no more than 30 days prior to coming to our property and we must have proof/results before they can arrive. **at your cost**
Must also do a fecal prior to coming (no more than 30 days prior as well) - no other diseases, free of parasites, worms, etc. **at your cost**
Service memos will be issued once LIVE kids are on the ground.
We prefer you do a pregnancy test after 30 days to see if they settled. Options if they don't settle will be the following:
- refund (the boarding fee DOES NOT get refunded no matter what - only the breeding fee).
- rebreed (can be a different doe, breed to a different buck, or both - within that year or scheduled for the next breeding season). Will still need to pay boarding fee at next service.
**if does do settle, we are not guaranteeing live kids after they leave. We are not in charge of what happens to kids while does are kidding or after they are born.**
We will be making up agreements/contracts for both the safety of us AND you. We don't want things to get tricky!
See below for the bucks available for services!!

Fill out this form!